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SWEET4U - 59 year old woman from Quezon City, Philippines

LDS Singles sweet4u
59 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  4 in.
Slender Build
College Graduate
Quezon City, Philippines
Mission: no
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
4 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

I've just realized that I've been in this website since July of 2007. Wow! It's been that long already but here I am still waiting for that right person. So to introduce myself, I guess my friends could say I'm very thoughtful and reliable, very outgoing, openminded, physically active, and is fun to be with. People say I look young for my age probably because I take care of myself. I used to spend time in the gym at least 4 days a week but now I switched to running and grew to love it. I maintain a happy, positive outlook in life. Having a deep appreciation for the gospel, I feel immense gratitudel to have been reserved by the Lord to be a part of this, the greatest of all dispensations. I have served in various callings in the church, as a seminary teacher, ward nursery leader, first councillor in the Relief Society, and a fourth Sunday Relief Society teacher at present. I love to serve and would do and give of my best self to the Savior and his church. My favorite hymns are Because I have Been Given Much and Hark All Ye Nations basically because I am so thankful truth has been restored on earth again that has brought so many blessings and opportunities for us Latter-day Saints. Top 15 Things God Won't Ask 1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove, but will ask how many people you drove that didn't have transportation. 2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, but will ask how many people you welcomed into your home. 3. God won't ask about the fancy clothes you had in your closet, but will ask how many of those clothes helped the needy. 4. God won't ask about your social status, but will ask what kind of class you displayed. 5. God won't ask how many material possessions you had, but will ask if they dictated your life. 6. God won't ask what your highest salary was, but will ask if you compromised your character to obtain that salary. 7. God won't ask how much overtime you worked, but will ask if yo worked overtime for your family and loved ones. 8. God won't ask how many promotions you received, but will ask how you promoted others. 9. God won't ask what your job title was, but will ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability. 10. God won't ask what you did to help yourself, but will ask what you did to help others. 11. God won't ask how many friends you had, but will ask how many people to whom you were a good friend. 12. God won't ask what you did to protect your rights, but will ask what you did to protect the right of others. 13. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but will ask how you treated your neighbors. 14. God won't ask about the color of your skin, but will ask about the content of your character. 15. God won't ask how many times your deeds matched your words, but will ask how many times they didn't. These are just the things I personally believe in and would like to find someone who share the same values.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I love to do physical activites, read a good book, watch cartoons,animal planet or national geographic channel. I appreciate good music. I was a tae-bo instructor at a local gym back in year 2000 and because of this, I feel obligated to myself to stay in shape. I enjoy the feeling of looking good and being attractive. I am a work in progress, still studying in school of hard knocks, I am still trying hard to improve my spirituality.

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